Estimated future prices are based on the current in-state 2 year cost of $32,620.00. 13 $1,495 Classes that fit into your schedule: day, night and online. Registration on or use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement, Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement, and Your California Privacy Rights (User Agreement updated 1/1/21. Use our Washtenaw Community College student loan calculator below to change loan assumptions and recalculate. $5,418 $190 $285 $1,296 $1,806 These are not loans and do not need to be repaid. $756 $238 CollegeCalc has estimated typical coverage of the annual in-state tuition and living expenses of $16,310. In the past four years, this school's published in-state tuition and fee total rose from $3,648 to $3,936. Depending on many factors including student and parent income and assets, the total cost of attendance may be less than the $16,310 published price if scholarship or grant aid is made available to you. This could be your effective total out of pocket cost of an education at Washtenaw Community College. $380 In District* $4,620 $805 Brighton or Hartland Extension Centers, you will automatically receive $25 off each If you are an out-of-district student who registers for a class that is held at the Face-to-Face Courses }. $216 $774 $714 $238 $2,064 emeritus students. $4,400 This is 28% cheaper than the national average public two year in-district tuition of $3,160. *Work In-District and Property In-District are the same rate as in-district, but must be approved in advance. You may be required to purchase certain supplies and materials. Washtenaw Community College is a public not for profit institution. Applications for the Winter 2022 semester will be accepted Wednesday, October 13, 2021 through Friday, January 21, $2,499 Note that this calculation assumes you don't pay full list price tuition, are part of the reported 63% of students at this school who receive financial aid and you are paying an average annual net price of $5,402. hours per semester for each credit hour, you will be charged a contact hour fee of Use the calculators below to formulate a college savings plan for Washtenaw Community College or model a student loan. What was tuition at Washtenaw Community College five, ten, fifteen or twenty years ago? $3,354 15 $3,612 $258 9 $714 $1,932 Out of District** $357 **Out-district students will receive a $20 scholarship for each credit hour they take at the Brighton or $2,090 Per credit costs are for reference only as many schools will not allow students to pay by credit hour. $760 If you do not meet the in-district requirements, but you own and reside at property Tuition ranks 2nd in Michigan amongst 2 year colleges for affordability and is the 31st most expensive 2 year college in the state. Consult this school's net price calculator for further understanding of your potential net price. to a collection agency if not paid at 90 days past due. and Arts as their tuition is designated by individual schools/colleges within the in Washtenaw County, you may be eligible for a lower tuition rate. $1,944 $1,032 credit hour for your class(es) at those locations, and it will be applied to your Tuition is free for Washtenaw County residents who are 65 or olderin other words, If you represent a school and believe that data presented on this website is incorrect, please contact us. $1,150 }, If you live outside of Washtenaw County but you work at least 30 hours a week for $1,080 no more than $300 per course. $115 Students residing at home with parents providing food and housing can expect a total cost of $7,134. $1,840 Washtenaw Community College tuition is $2,280 per year for in-district residents. new google.translate.TranslateElement({pageLanguage: 'en'}, 'google_translate_element'); See required documentation and apply for the work in-district rate . $1,127 Financial aid is only available to those who qualify. 17 $95 2022 Advance Local Media LLC. $357 Washtenaw Community College doesn't offer on campus housing. The total of all payments including interest would sum $12,960.51. Learn more about Washtenaw Community College at CollegeSimply. Let's face it, WCC's tuition is less expensive than other colleges and universities. Western Michigan University was calculated on the Haworth College of Business. The school charges an additional fees of $240 in addition to tuition bringing the total effective in-state tuition to $4,176. 12 a $108.00 monthly payment in the example $10,804.00 loan modeled above. $2,380 Nationally, university tuition prices are rising around 5% per year. $1,190 at the Barnes & Noble bookstore on the 1st floor of the Student Center. Some of the tuition Want more? Out of District Out-of-state students who don't possess Michigan residence can expect a one year cost of $17,822. $3,096 $3,381 $230 Looking out five, ten, fifteen or eighteen years, these are CollegeCalc's estimates how much you could expect to pay for a 2 year degree assuming tuition increases at the national average rate. Breakdown is based on average grant aid and federal loan aid which will vary based on your family income. $2,268 $2,185 $972 Credits that easily transfer to most 4-year schools. $2,261 Public schools often represent the best value for your education dollar, especially when students qualify for in-state tuition. $432 }, This table displays tuition by credit hour, based on your, This fee supports ongoing technical support for the classroom and covers the costs Modify the loan assumptions to fit your financial situation and likely tuition price. $2,380 $3,542 The average Pell Grant awarded for 2019/2020 was $5,975. The contact hours are specified in the class listings and will be limited to $660 Covered by family savings, work or private student loans which you will have to repay. What will it cost to send your child to Washtenaw Community College in the future? $665 Calculate your saving below! ***Emeritus students (over 65 years) andWCC staff are eligible for additional discounts. 3 $1,512 $2,420 $3,080 Full time enrollment is 3,076 and part time is 8,064. $540 $1,785 All rights reserved. $1,428 $1,428 Only undergraduate degrees are offered at this school. Applications for the Fall 2022 semester will be accepted Tuesday, June 01, 2022 through Friday, September 9, 2022. $460 This amount will need to be repaid. International $4,180 All rights reserved (About Us). $1,265 the Advising/Counseling Office located on the second floor of the Student Center or This amounts to an average annual price increase of 1.6%. Hartland Center or any Livingston County class location, unless they already have $1,620 $952 have the work in-district or property in-district rate. $1,785 19 *Reported Average Annual Net Price for in state students receiving grant or scholarship aid reported to the U.S. Department of Education's Academic Year 2019/2020 IPEDS Survey. $2,254 $1,235 $2,580 $1,380 The reported price per credit hour and estimated cost for one class at Washtenaw Community College are as follows. 2022. Washtenaw Community College on the first day of fall semester classes in 2021. $1,309 In District* How much will Washtenaw Community College cost in 18 years? 20 The total cost for in-state, but not in district residents is $16,310. We've modeled a sample student loan based on current Stafford loan rates to give you an approximate idea. fees. $952 The total tuition and living expense budget for in-district residents to go to Washtenaw Community College is $14,654 for the 2020/2021 academic year. Consult this school's net price calculator for further understanding of your potential net price. $3,870 In the end, the answer comes down a determination if you will earn enough to comfortably pay back a student loan with your post graduation salary. $1,980 $1,330 You can change the terms of this example loan using the student loan calculator below. $476 to all credit classes. $644 (Stafford Loan rates are 3.73% for subsidized and unsubsidized undergraduate student loans as of December, 2020), Washtenaw Community College cost and financial aid data source: U.S. Department of Education, IPEDS survey response for Washtenaw Community College. high as $500 or more depending on course selections. At the current published rates, an estimated total tuition, fees and living expense price for a 2 year associate degree at Washtenaw Community College is $32,620 for students graduating in normal time. Off-campus students should budget for $1,900 in other miscellaneous living expenses. *Savings calculation based upon 60 credit hours (approximately 20 classes), function googleTranslateElementInit() { $2,142 $2,415 How much is the monthly student loan payment for Washtenaw Community College? Using the 10% of salary threshold, an annual income of $12,960.51 would be needed to afford $1,725 $200/credit hour for 4th try, in addition to tuition. $2,415 Being a school offering two year programs, prospective students should consider the multi year outlay when budgeting the cost for two years at Washtenaw Community College. The estimated rent and meal expense per academic year for off campus housing is $9,176. $1,100 $476 8 63% of Washtenaw Community College students received grant aid in 2019/2020. 7 Some schools offer the ability to take single classes by paying on a per credit hour basis. The net out-of-pocket total cost you end up paying or financing though student loans is known as the net price. $4,644 Out of state 16 42 percent of students received aid in the form of Pell Grants from the U.S. Federal Government. university. That means you can get a jumpstart on your education while saving thousands of dollars. $2,023 1 2018-2019 Tuition rates The decision for another tuition freeze was made by the colleges Board of Trustees during its Tuesday, May 3 meeting. $855 $5/additional contact hour, up to a max of $300. $950 your associate degree before you transfer. $3,300 $1,728 $570 14 This fee supports ongoing technical support for the classroom and covers the costs 21 Note that for colleges with no reported on-campus room and board, the average net price has been increased to account for living expenses. $1,666 $1,955 $4,386 Applications for the Fall 2022 semester will be accepted Wednesday, June 01, 2022 through Friday, September 9, 2022. This number may not only reflect the net price paid to the school for tuition. $2,640 part-time employees. The second consideration after understanding the cost of college is determining how to finance it. $1,900 In order to afford student loan payments and still meet all your other costs of living, it is recommended not to borrow more than you can pay back using 10% of your monthly income earned after graduation. We provide tuition grants for WCC credit-and non-credit classes to full-time and eligible $3,520 ANN ARBOR, MI - Local students will not see a change in their tuition at Washtenaw Community College for the fifth straight school year. $2,860 Data last updated February 2022 and reflects academic year 2020/2021 costs reported by the school. Accounts with balances not paid or authorized by the due date will be placed on financial If you do not financially qualify for a reduced net price, your student loan payments could be significantly higher than this example. $1,320 Tuition Rate/Fee Chart(Does not include $10 Technology/Enrollment Fee charged per credit hour) $2,737 $1,995 22 $1,425 Some students are fortunate enough to have some form of family financial assistance, but student loans end up financing a significant portion of higher education in the U.S. 19% of Washtenaw Community College students receive U.S. Federal Student Loans with an average annual Federal Loan aid amount of $4,814. $3,740 $2,838 Historical tuition and fees for all available data years back to 1987 follows. Washtenaw Community College student loan calculator. This fee will be refunded for any class dropped by the published, You may be required to purchase certain supplies and materials. 2022 Applications for the Summer 2022 semester will be accepted Wednesday, March 16, 2022 through Friday, May 20, 2022. Depending on your circumstances, there are a number of tuition discounts for which If you live outside of Washtenaw County but you work at least 30 hours a week for $5,676 $2,618 The cost is 41% cheaper than the average Michigan in-district tuition of $3,874 for 2 year colleges. $1,771 Use the college savings plan calculator below to perform a more comprehensive analysis on future costs and how much you will need to save for Washtenaw Community College. $5,160 $119 Learn more about the Emeritus Scholarship. $108 Hop into our time machine and take a look. Then calculate your payoff and loan payments for a Washtenaw Community College student loan. $864 $2,618. $119 Citation: Price data from the U.S. Department of Education's 2020 IPEDS survey response for Washtenaw Community College and represent reported costs for the 2020-2021 academic year. This table displays tuition by credit hour, based on your residency status. $1,404 5 au pair in Washtenaw County, you may be eligible for a lower tuition rate. $833 The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Advance Local. the Work In-District or Property In-District rate. $3,059 $1,904 View classes and register today! These are available emeritus students. $648 $1,547 $2,052 Refund Deadline. The estimated annual cost for books and supplies is $1,058. $2,023 $575 $1,760 Tuition is free for Washtenaw County residents who are 65 or olderin other words, 10 Washtenaw Community College has an open admission policy meaning that any prospective student who has completed high school or attained a GED certificate may enroll in classes. $1,548 For total cost, add any fees as well as the cost of books and supplies. $2,576 In effect for Fall 2018, Winter 2019, and Spring/Summer 2019. $4,840 Student loans are not free money and must be repaid. This is an extremely important point to consider.
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